taj Mahal

North India side arrowIt packs a punch! Whether you are a history buff, a nature lover, an adventure junkie or a student of architecture, North India has an exciting lot on offer. The forts and palaces of Rajasthan take you back in time and offer colourful glimpses of a bygone era. The mesmerizing beauty of the Taj Mahal has to be seen to be believed.

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East India side arrowThis region packs tremendous diversity. The high Eastern Himalayan mountains of Sikkim, the tea gardens of North Bengal and Assam, the biodiversity hotspot called Arunachal Pradesh with an array of diverse flora and fauna, the distinct way of life of the Naga, Mizos and Manipuris, the old-world charm of the eastern metropolis.

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taj Mahal

West India side arrowThis is India’s most urbanized and industrialized region comprising the states of Maharashtra, Gujarat, Goa, and two union territories – Daman and Diu, and Dadra and Nagar Haveli. It was here that the first Parsis arrived, fleeing persecution from their original homeland in Persia, An entrepreneurial community, they contributed tremendously in building Mumbai.

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South India side arrowSouth India has a feel and charm all its own. From its distinctive cuisine comprising idli, dosa and sambhar among others, to the stunning temple architecture of Tamil Nadu, to the verdant hill stations of a biodiversity hotspot called the Western Ghats, this region is bound to cast its magic spell on culture, history, nature and architecture buffs alike.

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